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N Hopwood

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Hopwood, N. ., Elliot, C. ., Moraby, K. ., & Dadich, A. . (2020). Parenting children who are enterally fed: How families go from surviving to thriving. Child: Care, Health and Development, 46(6), 741-748.
Hopwood, N. ., Moraby, K. ., Dadich, A. ., Gowans, J. ., Pointon, K. ., Ierardo, A. ., … Elliot, C. . (2021). Paediatric tube-feeding: An agenda for care improvement and research. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 57(2), 182-187.
Dadich, A. ., Hockey, K. ., Kaplun, C. ., Fleming, C. ., Hopwood, N. ., Moraby, K. ., & Elliot, C. . (2021). Clinician and carer moral concerns when caring for children who tube-feed. Journal of Child Health Care : For Professionals Working With Children in the Hospital and Community, 13674935211052842. (Original work published 2021)