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S Singh

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Singh, S. ., Mishra, A. ., Bharti, S. ., , Singh, J. ., , & Shukla, S. . (2018). Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β Regulates Equilibrium Between Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis in Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease: a Crosstalk with Wnt and Notch Signaling. Molecular Neurobiology. (Original work published 2018)
Verma, D. ., Singh, D. ., Gupta, S. ., Gupta, P. ., Singh, A. ., Biswas, J. ., & Singh, S. . (2018). Minocycline diminishes the rotenone induced neurotoxicity and glial activation via suppression of apoptosis, nitrite levels and oxidative stress. Neurotoxicology. (Original work published 2018)
, Singh, S. ., Agarwal, S. ., Valluri, A. ., Dowling, O. ., Sison, C. ., & Gupta, K. . Position change during colonoscopy improves caecal intubation rate, mucosal visibility, and adenoma detection in patients with suboptimal caecal preparation. Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny, 12(4), 296-302. (Original work published 2017)
De, S. ., Zhang, B. ., Shih, T. ., Singh, S. ., Winkler, A. ., Donnelly, R. ., & Barnes, B. . B Cell-Intrinsic Role for IRF5 in TLR9/BCR-Induced Human B Cell Activation, Proliferation, and Plasmablast Differentiation. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 1938. (Original work published 2017)
, Gupta, Y. ., Gupta, N. ., Singh, S. ., Wu, L. ., Chhikara, B. ., … Rathi, B. . (2018). Multistage inhibitors of the malaria parasite: Emerging hope for chemoprotection and malaria eradication. Medicinal Research Reviews. (Original work published 2018)
Singh, P. ., & Singh, S. . (2012). Statins and risk reduction in hepatocellular carcinoma: fact or fiction?. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 30(20), 2569-70; author reply 2570. (Original work published 2012)
Hughes, E. ., Sawyer, S. ., Accurso, E. ., Singh, S. ., & Le Grange, D. . (2019). Predictors of early response in conjoint and separated models of family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review : The Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 27(3), 283-294.
Singh, A. ., Singh, S. ., Saxena, S. ., Kumar, S. ., Banga, A. ., & Purohit, N. . (1969). Polarized microscope assisted study of collagen fibres in Oral Submucous Fibrosis and their clinicopathologic correlation: An in-vitro study. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, 8(3), 206-211. (Original work published 1969)
Wattal, C. ., Javeri, Y. ., Goel, N. ., Dhar, D. ., Saxena, S. ., Singh, S. ., … Gupta, S. . (2017). Convergence of Minds: For Better Patient Outcome in Intensive Care Unit Infections. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine : Peer-Reviewed, Official Publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, 21(3), 154-159.