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Student Testimonial

Going to Lincoln's House by Lilliana Saa, Ecuador, Level 6

Learning English as Second Language is not only about knowing how to read or write.  In other words, we must know the background and culture about the language that we are learning.  Today, I had the great opportunity of visiting the place where the most famous and well-known man and president of the United States was born.

As an international student, I learnt more about Abraham Lincoln.  This man is known historically worldwide as the President who amended the Constitution for giving the black slaves freedom.  But, nobody thinks about his background.

Abraham Lincoln was a poor boy.  He had to go to school with his sister and walk for about one mile to get there. He learned how to read and write using just a stick as a pencil and the soil as a piece of paper.  Lincoln helped in the household chores in his house.  He was a great speaker.  He didn´t have a wealthy family, but he had values.  When he was young, he realized how the slaves were mistreated.

When he became President of the United States, he granted the slaves the freedom, and fought until they had equal rights as white people.  This law provoked the anger among his detractors. Over one hundred years has passed after his death, but his liberating idea is still in the mind of African-Americans.

Thanks to this political shake, today I could enjoy with my international friends a journey throughout the American History.

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