How do I pass my level?
Students must earn a minimum of a B average (at least a 3.0 GPA) to pass from one level to the next.
How do I pass CESL?
Students must earn a minimum of a B average (at least a 3.0 GPA) in Level 6. Student who pass Level 6 qualify for the TOEFL Waiver Program. This program allows students to matriculate to University of Kentucky undergraduate programs with some exceptions.
What are the requirements of the university if I want to skip CESL?
For direct admission to undergraduate study, you must have a 527 on the PBT or a 71 on the IBT or a 6.0 on the IELTS. For direct admission to graduate study, you must have a 550 on the PBT or a 79 on the IBT.
Why did I fail my class because of my attendance?
The CESL program’s attendance policy states that you must attend at least 80% of your classes in order to be eligible to pass. If you do not, then you automatically fail the course. This is still true even if you have discussed your absences with your teacher and made up the work. After a certain number of missed classes, you have missed too much instructional time to be prepared for the next level.
Can my absences be excused?
All attendance issues are between student and teacher. If the teacher judges an absences as excused, this means that the student is allowed to make up any missed homework, quizzes or tests. If not, then that work will not be allowed to be made up. In both cases, the absences still counts as a day a student was not in class.